Hi, I’m Eli. Thanks for stopping by!

I am a product designer, problem solver, and connector of people. Let me show you how I can help you save time and meet your business objectives with a powerful digital experience.

My Background

How I got started in product design.

I built my first website when I was 11 years old, using Windows Notepad and lots of animated GIFs. There may or may not have been a MIDI song playing in the background as well. One thing for sure, I was hooked.

Friends, peers, teachers, and colleagues have always said that I am a great listener and empathizer. I seek first to understand before being understood. I am comfortable being uncomfortable, and presenting complex concepts to large audiences allows me to be that integral glue between teams.

This combination of interest in technology and soft skills paved a natural path to getting started in this exciting industry.

Other Interests

What I enjoy outside of my primary engagement.

When I’m not designing, I travel to places I’ve never visited at least once a year, play in a metal band, lift heavy weights at the gym, and spend a lot of time in the wilderness practising bushcraft.